Luluk Waki'a


The purpose of this study is to describe the daily phenomenon-based physics literacy profile in static fluid material to find out how far the students' abilities about scientific science. Previously, the development of a daily phenomenon-based scientific literacy test instrument adjusted to the scientific literacy competency indicators and the applicable curriculum was carried out. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with a Research and Development model and is conducted on 40 students of SMAN 4 Sidoarjo at XI-MIPA class. The assessment instrument developed is stated theoretically and empirically valid. The theoretical validity is 83% which includes material, construct, and language criteria. The empirical validity includes the reliability test with a reliability coefficient of 0.782 (reliable). The item validity test states 15 valid questions with low to very high categories, the difficulty level with 13 moderate questions, and the distinguishing power with 13 questions in the sufficient to good category. Of the four categories of practical feasibility, 12 questions out of 15 (80%) met the criteria and were eligible to be tested. The categories of each indicator of scientific literacy competence are indicators that explain phenomena scientifically in the moderate category (63.0%), indicators of evaluating and designing scientific investigations in the very low category (43.7%), and indicators of interpreting data and evidence in the very low category (52.7%). It can be concluded that the average percentage of students' physics science literacy ability is 53%, which is included in the very low category.

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