PBBT is a language learning method that focuses on learners. In practice, PBBT is a language learning system that is focused on the task. Assignments given to learners are central to language teaching activities. In general the assignment of students can be said as a basic concept of PBBT. However, in this case the assignment of students at the beginning of learning becomes the hallmark of this method. With this method the teacher's role as a mediator, facilitator, and supervisor is more optimal. PBBT enables students to produce target languages through communicative task completion. The way PBBT works contains the following principles: (1) assignments must be designed to foster student motivation; (2) tasks must be accessed with information technology or the internet; and (3) assignments can foster student independence, tenacity, and honesty. In addition, the current learning process is not just a transfer of knowledge from teachers to learners, but has shifted through electronic media, be it computers, devices, and cellular phones that can be accessed anytime and anywhere according to the wishes of the learner. That as an effort to the presence of information technology and the internet must be utilized as well as possible to develop learning.
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