The pupose of this research was to determine how the role of Campylong on the
welfare of local communities. This research used qualitative approach and descriptive
data, both of primary data and secondary data. The first they are observations and
interviews. Secondary data are BPS Sampang, Disbudparpora, District Camplong and
East Java BPS.
The result showed that the presence of Camplong is provide impact and benefits
for the serrounding communities who are directly involved in activities suc as tourism
can provide and increase the income of surrounding community, providing business
opportunities for the local population, provide employment, improve the quality of
human resources and also provide benefits in introducing regional culture. In addition,
the Camplong also create prosperity for the people directly involved in tourism
activities. Evident when researcher calculate income communities and most of the
surrounding community has reached welfare or income is above the poverty line. While
a small portion of the surrounding communities who are directly involve is still not
prosper due to lack of numbers of visitors and so on, so that their income was not
optimal or still below the poverty line. While the surrounding communities who are not
directly involved in tourism activities is still not feeling great benefits with the tour.
welfare of local communities. This research used qualitative approach and descriptive
data, both of primary data and secondary data. The first they are observations and
interviews. Secondary data are BPS Sampang, Disbudparpora, District Camplong and
East Java BPS.
The result showed that the presence of Camplong is provide impact and benefits
for the serrounding communities who are directly involved in activities suc as tourism
can provide and increase the income of surrounding community, providing business
opportunities for the local population, provide employment, improve the quality of
human resources and also provide benefits in introducing regional culture. In addition,
the Camplong also create prosperity for the people directly involved in tourism
activities. Evident when researcher calculate income communities and most of the
surrounding community has reached welfare or income is above the poverty line. While
a small portion of the surrounding communities who are directly involve is still not
prosper due to lack of numbers of visitors and so on, so that their income was not
optimal or still below the poverty line. While the surrounding communities who are not
directly involved in tourism activities is still not feeling great benefits with the tour.
tourism, poverty, welfare, local community
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Mediatrend © 2015 - Journal of Economic & Development Studies | Development Economics Program - Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, Trunojoyo University