Wenang Anurogo, - - Suriadi, Yaskinul - Anwar, Yunus Aris Wibowo


Watershed is an area of land which is a unity with the river and its tributaries, which serves to accommodate, store and drain water from rainfall to the lake or into the sea naturally. The watershed area is need for zones function area based on physical diversity that belonged to. The method of this research is overlaying map parameters to produce a map of land units, each unit of land has a value score of the three factors then the value is added together will produce a certain amount of score. A score of map land units were then classified into the area with a particular function. The results of the analysis showed that the most extensive areas of functionality in the Progo Regency of Bantul based on physical conditions i.e. the area of cultivation of annuals and settlements with an area of 10104.48 Ha. The results of the analysis show that there are four classes of suitability between the functions of the area with the actual land use in appropriate classes namely Progo, not appropriate, is not appropriate and not transferrable usage, and inappropriate and violate the law.


Watershed; Overlay; Areas Suitability Function


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