Regina Niken W


In the autonomy, local goverment is required to optimize resource of assets or
wealth of the region so as to contribute local region revenue (PAD). This study is to analyze and to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, barriers and strategies in asset management Jember area as efforts to optimize revenue in Jember. The analysis used in this study is a descriptive analysis and a SWOT analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). SWOT analysis is used to identify the influence of internal factors and external factors strengths weaknesses opportunities and obstacles in the area of asset management optimization. AHP analysis to capture the perception of decision makers on regional asset management optimization strategies. The results show that the appropriate strategy for the government in managing assets Jember area is a defensive strategy, so that asset management optimization policies is through increasing the availability of supporting infrastructure and adequate human resources development and the importance of a partnership with a third party


Asset; Local Region Revenue; Analytical Hierarchy Process

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