Asri Pratiwi A.S.R, - Ihsannudin


Development around the campus of University of Trunojoyo Madura continues to grow rapidly along with the increasing number of students in each year. It leads to a competition for a piece of land either. The aims of this study are to know the condition of the land uses after the development of life on the campus of UTM, to know the differences of land values in the campus area of UTM and outside campus area (Non UTM), and to know the factors which affect the land values around the campus area. The Analyzing data which used in this study are descriptive analysis, t-Test analysis, and multiple linier regression analysis with dummy. The results of this study show that the land uses around the campus of UTM are for agriculture, residential, boarding house, and business. The highest land value around the campus area is Rp. 2.500.000/ M2, While the highest land value outside campus area (Non UTM) is Rp. 850.000/M2. The factors which affect the land values around the campus area are the distance of the land to the main road, the distance of the land to the campus of UTM, legality, topography, and the ground form


Land Value; Land Use; The difference of Land Value


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/mediatrend.v11i1.1355

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