Organizational Communication Patterns in Matrix Brand Product Marketing (Case Study ini Matrix Marketing Team)
The study aims to analyze the communication strategy carried out by Matrix in marketing the latest product Set Top Box Matrix to present digital television broadcasts. The method used in this study is a descriptive method using a qualitative approach. The results of the study show that organizational communication that occurs in the marketing matrix team is diagonal communication carried out formally and informally. Members of the marketing team can provide input or response to instructions given directly, to market Matrix products. Researchers collect data through observation, interviews and documentation. This is done to collect data directly from participants or research objects. Observations and interviews are conducted directly by participating in the organization and obtaining valid research data. In exchanging messages, members in the marketing team often communicate diagonally to exchange ideas and make good concepts, in carrying out the right strategy to promote the Matrix brand. The results showed that the marketing team also advertised CPAS Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada on Instagram and Facebook social media. The use of social media can direct social media users to visit the Matrix Official Store marketplace. Evaluation is also carried out to improve the marketing system in this organization, including an assessment of the effectiveness of advertising on turnover or sales.
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