STRATEGI PUBLIC RELATIONS DALAM MENINGKACITRA PERGURUAN TINGGI SWASTA DI JA Studi Kasus Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur)
The strategy is a means or tool to achieve long-term goals in accordance with
the vision and mission agencies. Public relations is the process or activity
that aims to establish communication between the organization and external
parties and within the organization. The image is the overall impression
formed the minds of the public agency. So when put together, then the sense of
Public Relations Strategy, which is how the effort to achieve the specified goal
or purpose in accordance with the wishes continuously deliberately, in order
to establish and maintain mutual understanding between the organization and
its publics.
Issues examined in this study are: “Public Relations Strategies in Improving the
image of Private Higher Education in East Java (Case Study of Private Higher
Education in National Development University” Veteran “East Java)? “. The
research method used was qualitative research methods. Merely descriptive
research describing situations and events. Data collection techniques used
is through depth interview, observation and documentation. This type of
sampling used was purposive sample of the sample aimed to choose certain
people who are considered able to represent the population, are expected to
be able to answer the research problem.
From the results of this study was obtained that the Strategic Public Relations,
UPN “Veteran” East Java in Improving the image using the two concepts
of strategic marketing and public relations strategies. Both strategies are
analyzed from internal and external. This study concluded that the Public
Relations Strategy UPN “Veteran” East Java in Improving image is effective,
but must be supplemented by a strategy closer to the target market college, in
this case is prospective students. Image enhancement can also be achieved by
improving the quality of service and facilities as well as spiritual guidance to
all the academic community, particularly students
Key words : Strategy, Public Relations, Image
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