Madura Island has long been known as a salt island. Alt hough
there are many tourist destinat ions in Madura, no one has
utilized and developed salt as an ecotourism potent ial. Through
salt ecotourism, it is expected to be a solution to some of the
problems associated with salt, especially to improve the welfare
of salt farmers. The purpose of this study was to determine the
concept of salt ecotourism development through the triple helix
approach on Madura Island. This type of research is induct ive
analysis by collect ing, compiling and describing various actual
data, documents and informat ion. The data that has been
obtained is then analyzed by descriptive analysis method. The
results showed that the potential for salt cult ivation in four
districts in Madura namely Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan
and Sumenep can be used as an opportunit y to develop attractive
tourism through the concept of salt ecotourism. This is because
Madura's land could meet five basic principles of ecotourism
development in Indonesia, namely the principles of
conservation, educat ion, tourism, economy, and participat ion of
local communit ies. Salt ecotourism requires collaboration from
academics, businesses represented by groups of salt farmers, and
the government. These three actors, called triple helix, have
different roles in order to develop salt ecotourism starting from
planning, utilizat ion and control.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/kompetensi.v13i1.6823
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