Performa Pertumbuhan Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon) Sistem Ko-Kultur Hewan Akuatik dan Padi di Air payau

Frida Alifia, Heriansah Heriansah, Arnold Kabangnga, Selvianita Selvianita, Reski Wastuti Asnur



Sistem ko-kultur yang menggabungkan hewan akuatik dengan tanaman padi selama ini lebih banyak dipraktekkan di air tawar. Eksprimen empat sistem budidaya (monokultur, polikultur, IMTA-non padi, dan IMTA-padi) di air payau dengan tiga ulangan telah diteliti untuk mengevaluasi Laju Pertumbuhan Spesifik (LPS) dan Pertumbuhan Karakteristik Morfometrik (PKM) udang windu. Sebanyak 20 ekor udang windu dikombinasikan dengan ikan nila dan kerang darah masing-masing 20 ekor dan 10 ekor teripang pasir. Sementara itu, 4 rumpun padi salin diapungkan pada bak pemeliharaan dengan menggunakan nampan. Selama 4 minggu, LPS udang windu relatif bervariasi diantara sistem monokultur, polikultur, IMTA-non Padi, dan IMTA-Padi, masing-masing 2,6±0,1% per hari, 3,0±0,3% per hari, 2,9±0,1% per hari, dan 3,3% per hari. Pola yang sama diperoleh untuk PKM (panjang total, panjang kepala, panjang badan, dan panjang karapaks). Analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa sistem budidaya mempengaruhi secara signifikan LPS dan PKM udang windu (p<0,05). Uji HSD Tukey mengindikasikan bahwa LPS dan PKM tertinggi pada sistem IMTA-Padi secara signifikan (p<0,05) lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem monokultur, polikultur, dan IMTA-non padi. Namun, pada ketiga sistem budidaya ini tidak mengindikasikan perbedaan yang signifikan (p>0,05). Hasil penelitian skala laboratorium ini memberikan informasi penting potensi pengembangan budidaya udang windu berkelanjutan melalui sistem IMTA-padi di air payau.

Kata Kunci:  air payau, ko-kultur, pertumbuhan, udang windu,


The co-culture systems that combine aquatic animals with paddy have been practiced more in fresh water. Four experimental culture systems (monoculture, polyculture, IMTA-non paddy, and IMTA-paddy) in brackish water with three replications were conducted to evaluate the Specific Growth Rate (SGR) and Growth Morphometric Characteristics (GMC) of tiger shrimp. A total of 20 tiger prawns were combined with 20 tilapia and blood clams and 10 individuals of sea cucumbers. Meanwhile, four clumps of saline paddy were floated in rearing tanks using trays. During the four weeks, SGR of tiger prawns varied relatively between monoculture, polyculture, IMTA-non paddy, and IMTA-paddy systems, respectively 2.6±0.1% day-1, 3.0±0.3% day-1, 2.9±0.1% day-1, and 3.3% day-1. The same pattern was obtained for GMC (total length, head length, body length, and carapace length). Analysis of variance showed that the aquaculture system significantly affected to SGR and GMC values (p<0.05). Tukey's HSD test indicated that the highest SGR and GMC values were significantly (p<0.05) higher in the IMTA-Paddy system than in the monoculture, polyculture, and IMTA-non paddy systems. However, three cultivation systems did not indicate significant differences (p>0.05). The results of this laboratory scale research provide important information on the potential for developing sustainable tiger prawns cultivation through the IMTA-paddy system in brackish water.

Keywords: brackish water, co-culture, growth, tiger prawns,


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