Komposisi hasil tangkapan sero di perairan Dakiring, Kecamatan Socah, Kabupaten Bangkalan ada kemungkinan dipengaruhi oleh pasang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan pasang terhadap hasil tangkapan sero, komposisi hasil tangkapan utama, komposisi hasil tangkapan sampingan, tingkat keanekaragaman dan dominansi hasil tangkapan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan satu minggu dua kali (bobot, ukuran, jumlah, spesies) disajikan dengan diagram pie untuk komposisi hasil tangkapan dan diagram sebar untuk pengaruh pasang. Tinggi pasang berpengaruh positif dengan jenis dan jumlah individu memperoleh nilai berturut-turut Y = -3,4076x + 885,49 dengan nilai R² = 0,0432 (korelasi sangat lemah), y = 0,0404x +10,991 dengan nilai R² = 0,0238 (korelasi sangat lemah) dan y = 42,481x – 3015,8 dengan nilai R² = 0,1346 (korelasi sangat lemah) untuk tinggi pasang terhadap bobot hasil tangkapan (negatif), sedangkan lama pasang terhadap hasil tangkapan (bobot, jenis, dan jumlah individu) berpengaruh negatif dengan nilai y = -31,729x + 750,57 dengan nilai R2 = 0,1877 (korelasi sangat lemah), y = -0,4438x + 18,517 dengan nilai R2 = 0,144 (korelasi sangat lemah), dan y = -274x + 3507,6 dengan nilai R2 0,2807 (korelasi lemah) secara berurutan. Hasil tangkapan utama 4 spesies dan hasil tangkapan sampingan 37 spesies, analisis tingkat keanekaragaman bernilai 1,250 (keanekaragaman tinggi) dan dominansi 0,440 (dominansi sedang).
Kata Kunci: Sero, tangkapan utama, tangkapan sampingan
The composition of the catch sero in the waters of the Dakiring, Kecamatan Socah, Bangkalan District, there are likely to be affected by the tide. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship tide against the catch of the sero, the composition of the main catch, the composition of the catch on the sideline, the level of diversity and the dominance of the catch. Sampling was done one week two times (weight, size, number, species) presented with a pie chart for the composition of the catch and diagrams spread to the influence of the tide. High tide positive effect with the type and the number of individuals obtain consecutive values of Y = -3,4076 x + 885,49 with a value of R2 = 0,0432 (the correlation is very weak), y = 0,0404 x +10,991 with a value of R2 = 0,0238 (the correlation is very weak) and y = 42,481 x – 3015,8 with a value of R2 = 0,1346 (the correlation is very weak) for the high tide against the weight of the catch (negative), while the long tide against the catch (weight, type, and number of individuals) negative effect with the value of y = -31,729 x + 750,57 with a value of R2 = 0,1877 (the correlation is very weak), y = -0,4438 x + 18,517 with a value of R2 = 0,144 (the correlation is very weak), and y = -274x + 3507,6 with the value of R2 0,2807 (the correlation is weak) in sequence. The main catch 4 species and the results of bycatch 37 species, analysis of the level of diversity is worth 1,250 (diversity) and dominance 0,440 (dominance are).
Keywords: Sero, The Main Catch, The Catch Side
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)References
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Published by: Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura