Dinamika kawasan pesisir Kecamatan Brebes berupa bencana abrasi dan akresi yang terjadi memiliki dampak besar terhadap kerusakan kawasan mangrove dan pesisir. Fenomena abrasi dan akresi yang terjadi dipengaruhi oleh parameter oseanografi yang dapat mempengaruhi sebaran sedimen di pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pembangkit fenomena abrasi dan akresi di pesisir Kecamatan Brebes serta bentuk mitigasi yang tepat untuk mengurangi bencana abrasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah descriptive kuantitatif dan analisis yang dilakukan adalah pengukuran arus, pengukuran pasang surut, pemetaan batimetri, analisis ukuran butir sedimen dan pemodelan hidrodinamika 2 dimensi. Sedimen berupa pasir, lanau, dan pasir lanauan dengan nilai rerata ukuran butir 5.00 phi – 8.00 phi. Kecepatan arus sepanjang pantai hasil model pada kondisi purnama berkisar 0-0,12 m.s-1 dan pada saat perbani berkisar antara 0-0,08 m.s-1, dengan dominasi arah arus menuju ke Timur dan Timur laut. Perlu dilakukan penataan ulang terhadap kawasan mangrove dan bangunan pelindung pantai serta melakukan pencodetan terhadap sungai – sungai utama yang merupakan sumber pembawa material sedimen sehingga dapat memberikan suplay endapan sedimen di bagian pesisir.
Kata Kunci: Brebes, erosi, arus sepanjang pantai, mitigasi, sedimen
The dynamics of erosion and accretion in the coastal area of Brebes Subdistrict have many impacts on mangrove destruction and coastal region. The erosion and accretion are influenced by oceanography parameters that can affect the distribution of coastal sediments. The aims of this research were to determine the characteristics of the phenomenon of erosion and accretion in coastal Brebes Subdistrict and shape appropriate mitigation to reduce the erosion. This research is done with the bed sediment sampling using grab sampler for 26 sampling point. Current and tide measurement are conducted wih ADCP deployment for 15 days’ measurement. Sediment characteristic analysis done with granulometri and statistic analysis. The average of sediment sorting is 1.21, skewness is 0.088 and the kurtosis is 3.76. Generally, bed surface sediment distribution pattern is dominated by clay to sand, the grand size distribution of sediments are sand, silt, sandy silt and silty sand. Longshore current speed ranged between 0-0.12 m.s-1 at the spring tide condition and ranged between 0-0.08 m.s-1at the neap tide condition, the domination of current direction towards to the East and Northeast. The mitigation is very needed to rearrange the mangrove areas, build the coastal protection and recover the main river line which is the sourceof the sediment materials, so that can be provide the supply of sediment deposition in the coastal area.
Keywords: Brebes, Erosion, Longshore Current, Mitigation, Sediment
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Published by: Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura