Keragaman, Distribusi dan Kelimpahan Chaetognatha di Kawasan Pesisir Kota Dumai Provinsi Riau
Chaetognatha atau cacing panah (arrow worm) merupakan salah satu kelompok holoplankton yang distribusi dan keragamannya cukup tinggi di perairan. Chaetognatha memiliki peran yang sangat penting didalam rantai makanan dan juga berfungsi sebagai bioindikator kondisi oceanograf suatu wilayah. Kelimpahan Chaetognatha di dalam perairan dapat mempengaruhi kelimpahan larva ikan dan zooplankton lainnya, sehingga informasi keberadaannya sangat penting dalam pengelolaan perikanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman, distribusi dan kelimpahan Chaetognatha di perairan pesisir Kota Dumai Provinsi Riau. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April hingga September 2021 di perairan pesisir Kota Dumai. Jumlah stasiun pengambilan sampel sebanyak tiga titik dengan jumlah pengambilan sampel sebanyak dua kali pada masing-masing stasiun. Jumlah jenis Chaetognatha di perairan pesisir Kota Dumai tergolong rendah hanya ditemukan 2 jenis yaitu Eukronia calliops dan Sagitta megalopthalmus. Distribusi Chaetognatha di perairan Kota Dumai cukup merata dan ditemukan di ketiga lokasi penelitian walaupun kelimpahan yang relatif berbeda. Kelimpahan Chaetognatha berkisar antara 19-322 ind/1000 m3, namun jika dibandingkan dengan perairan lainnya, kelimpahan dilokasi studi sangat rendah.
Kata kunci: Chaetognatha, keragaman, Kota Dumai, perairan pesisir
Chaetognatha or arrow worms are one of the holoplankton groups whose distribution and diversity is quite high in waters. Chaetognatha has important role in the food chain and also functions as a bioindicator of oceanographic conditions. The abundance of Chaetognatha in the waters can affect the abundance of fish larvae and other zooplankton, so that information on its existence is very important in fisheries management. The aims of study to determine the diversity, distribution and abundance of Chaetognatha in the coastal waters of Dumai City, Riau Province. This research was conducted from April to September 2021 in the coastal waters of Dumai City. The number of sampling stations are three points and the number of samplings twice at each station. The number of Chaetognatha species in the coastal waters of Dumai City is relatively low, only 2 species were found, namely Eukronia calliops and Sagitta megalopthalmus. The distribution of Chaetognatha in the waters of Dumai City was quite even and found in three sites, although the abundances were relatively different. The abundance of Chaetognatha ranges from 19-322 ind/1000 m3, it is very low compare to other research.
Key word: Chaetognath, coastal waters, diversity, Dumai City
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Published by: Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura