Disfemisme Warganet dalam Kolom Komentar Media Sosial Instagram @Kpipusat (Kajian Semantik)

Riska Selgianita, Mixghan Norman Antono


Athere is the use of abusive language or dysphemism on Instagram social media by netizen. Instagram @kpipusat is a social media agency for the Indonesian broadcasting commission has been found in the comments column. The purpose of the research is to (1) describe the language of netizen dysphemism in the comments column of social media Instagram @kpipusat. (2) describe the fuction of netizen dysphemism in the comments column of social media Instagram @kpipusat. The reseacrh approach uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The object of this research is the language of dysphemism in the comments column of social media Instagram @kpipusat. The data collection technique in this research is the free listening technique, the conversational involvement and the note taking technique. The result of this study indicate that there are (1) dysphemism language found were words with a total of 21 data, then prases with 5 data and sentences with 4 data. (2) function of dysphemisme on the use is as follows: (1) to describe taboo or indencent things, (2) to describe dislike or hata. (3) to describe insulting or reproaching and ridiculing, (4) to describe someone’s negative, and (5) to describe cursing someone. There are 23 data of dysphemime function.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/jell.v1i1.19386


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