Ardi Hamzah


Alignment strategic become one of this topic in information
system also represent the issue which still newly and interesting,
especially its applying in Indonesia. System/ information technology
proven have keep role important in organizational development and
existency. For that, needed aligment strategic model between strategy
of business and strategy of system/information technology in
improving organizational performance. Strategic aligment for company
to reach its target with the support of information system in process of
business to give the real correct management information. To this
conduct, information technology at organization have to in aligment
with organizational goal. Emporwement and utilization of ability of
system/information technology inwroughtly, sinergy and
comprehensive with organizational business strategy to reach for the
competitif advantage assessed have given the significant contribution
to organizational strategic aligment. More high level strategic aligment
between strategy of business and strategy of system/information
technology, organizational will instruct the information system of matter
of crucial to reach for the successful business performance.


aligment strategic, strategy of business, strategy of system/ information technology


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