Image Classification of Beef and Pork Using Convolutional Neural Network in Keras Framework
Beef is a food ingredient that has a high selling value. Such high prices make some people manipulate sales in markets or other shopping venues, such as mixing beef and pork. The difference between pork and beef is actually from the color and texture of the meat. However, many people do not understand these differences yet. In addition to socialization related to understanding the differences between the two types of meat, another solution is to create a technology that can recognize and differentiate pork and beef. That is what underlies this research to build a system that can classify the two types of meat. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is one of the Deep Learning methods and the development of Artificial Intelligence science that can be applied to classify images. Several regularization techniques include Dropout, L2, and Max-Norm were applied to the model and compared to obtain the best classification results and may predict new data accurately. It has known that the highest accuracy of 97.56% obtained from the CNN model by applying the Dropout technique using 0.7 supported by hyperparameters such as Adam's optimizer, 128 neurons in the fully connected layer, ReLu activation function, and 3 fully connected layers. The reason that also underlies the selection of the model is the low error rate of the model, which is only 0.111.
Keywords: Beef and Pork, Model, Classification, CNNFull Text:
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