Feature Selection and K-nearest Neighbor for Diagnosis Cow Disease
The large number of cattle population that exists can increase the potential for developing cow disease. Lack of knowledge about various kinds of cattle diseases and their handling solutions is one of the causes of decreasing cow productivity. The aim of this research is to classify cattle disease quickly and accurately to assist cattle breeders in accelerating detection and handling of cattle disease. This study uses K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classification method with the F-Score feature selection. The KNN method is used for disease classification based on the distance between training data and test data, while F-Score feature selection is used to reduce the attribute dimensions in order to obtain the relevant attributes. The data set used was data on cattle disease in Madura with a total of 350 data consisting of 21 features and 7 classes. Data were broken down using K-fold Cross Validation using k = 5. Based on the test results, the best accuracy was obtained with the number of features = 18 and KNN (k = 3) which resulted in an accuracy of 94.28571, a recall of 0.942857 and a precision of 0.942857.
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