The Main Structure of Walina and its Preservation in Boven Digoel

Y I P Hematang, S Octavia, A Topan


Walina (Kombai Tribe Tree House) in Boven Digoel can stand on an old tree, becoming a curiosity for researchers to analyse the main structure of Walina which is tread on a tree. Then it will be known the importance of maintaining material from Walina which depends entirely on Papua's natural forests. If there is no forest preservation, then it will be important about Walina's sustainability in the future. The purpose of this study is to produce an analysis of the function of the basic pole structure forming the Walina belonging to the Kombai Tribe and material from the local forest as a compiler of the walina structure and forest preservation for the continued existence of Walina. This research uses descriptive survey method research method.

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