Proximate Analysis of Food Bar Made from Pedada Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) Enhanced With Gembili Flour and Mung Bean Flour as an Alternative to Emergency Food.

Luqman Agung Wicaksono, Enny Karti Basuki Susiloningsih, Made Arlita Susanti


Food aid in a state of disaster is still dominated by rice or instant noodles. Emergency food needed in disaster condition must be ready to eat emergency food and fulfill daily nutrients, one of them was food bar. Food Bar is a high calorie food made from a mixture of foodstuffs, enriched with nutrients, then formed into solid and compact form. It has been conducted the research formulation of food bar from gembili flour and mung bean flour. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the formulation of gembili flour and mung beans flour and determine the best treatment of the chemical and physical properties of food bars produced. This research uses a complete random design with two factors and twice repeated, namely the formulation of the Gembili flour 30 gr, 40 gr, 50 gr and the formulation of mung bean flour 50 gr, 40 gr, 30 gr. Data obtained later in analysis using ANOVA. If there is a real interaction, then proceed with the advanced test of the Duncan multiple range test with confidence level 5%. Best treatment on the formulation of Gembili flour 50 gr and mung bean flour 50 gr which produce food bar with water content 2.39%, ash content 2.62%, protein content 12.69%, fat content 3.93%, carbohydrate content 82.14%.

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