Prospect The Model Development in Salt Supply Chain

Iffan Maflahah, Budisantoso Wirjodirdjo, Putu Dana Karningsih


This article reviews the literature on the model of a supply chain system published between 2010-2018 where the period experienced a notable increase in the discussion of the supply chain system model. The model that will be used in this study is the development of models and methods based on the shortcomings in the previous literature. Specifically, it reviews the methods and models that are relevant for development in the model of the salt supply chain system. The approach method used in decision making is a qualitative, quantitative, and mixed approach. This paper uses a framework that allows models to be used for similar purposes and can be compared over time. It is also used to identify gaps in the literature. The findings in this literature study highlight the new institutions that are needed and the factors that influence decision making on the choice of supply chain system. The cooperatives as an institution that mediates the farmers’ interests and as an alternative channel. The determining factors in the choice channel are price, transaction costs, and risks that can provide a profit

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