The Character-Values Reflected In The Poem “Im Nebel” By Herman Hesse, A Semiotic Analysis

S J Lendo


The objective of this research is to analyse the poem Im Nebel written by Herman to find out the character-values, which are reflected in this poem. The analysis used the semiotic-approach, as one of the approaches of literature study, based on the semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce. Peirce has claimed three terms of signs, those are ikon, index and symbol. The analysis is done to see, how the writer of this poem used these signs to express character-values. The result of this research shows,  that the poem Im Nebel contains some character-values, such as honesty, emphaty,  sincerity, faithful, solidarity, which are expressed through both the nature of the poem (theme, tone, feeling, purpose), and the methods of the poem (diction, imagery, rhyme, figurative language). Some certain words, phrases and sentences, which use in this poem, are in the same time be seen as the signs ikon, index or symbol, which reflected the charactervalues meant. The result of this research leads to the recommendation, that it is important to combine the literature teaching and the character building or character education, because literature work is basically rich in character values.  The result implicates to the literary instruction that is to increase the quality of the literary instruction itself.

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