Miftakhul Jannah, Anugrahini Irawati, Hadi Purnomo


There’re so many factors that effect on business performance at of typical
gedog batik SMEs in Tuban. This can be in the in the form of entrepreneurial
orientation factor and product innovation. The aims of this research are (a) to
determine whether the Entrepreneurship orientation variable effect on variable
performance of typical gedog batik SMEs in Tuban. (b) to determine whether
product innovation variable effects on variable performance of of typical gedog
batik SMEs in Tuban. (c) to determine whether the Entrepreneurship orientation
and Product Innovation variable simultaneously effect on variable performance of
typical gedog batik SMEs in Tuban. This research used the population as much as
47 entrepreneur of typical batik in Tuban as samples. The method used is multiple
linear regression analysis.
Using this analysis, the results indicate that 1) the entrepreurship orientation
variable has positive and significant effect on variable performance of typical gedog
batik SMEs in Tuban. 2) product innovation variable has positive and significant
effect on variable performance of typical gedog batik SMEs in Tuban. 3)
simultaneously, the entrepreneurship orientation and product innovation variables
effect on variable performance of typical gedog batik SMEs in Tuban. 4)
entrepreneurship orientation variable is the dominant effect on variable
performance of typical gedog batik SMEs in Tuban.


Entrepreneurship orientation, Product Innovation, SMEs Performance

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