Edy Wahyudi



Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan model peningkatan kapabilitas inovasi pemasaran dan  model penguatan akses pasar sentra usaha kecil logam di Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan strategi fasilitasi inovasi usaha kecil logam dari push theory (leadership, skill labour, cultural organisation) dan pull theory (peran pemerintah dalam fasilitasi pelatihan,alih teknologi, pilot project, even pameran dan akses pasar). Strategi akselerasi inovasi dilakukan dengan 1) networking yang memperluas akses pasar dan marketing, 2) akuisisi teknologi yang memperkuat kapabilitas teknologi dan penguasaan informasi dan komunikasi, 3) inovasi produk dengan inovasi pemasaran dan diferensiasi produk. Temuan lainnya adalah ditemukannya budaya inovasi terbentuk dari daya saing dilingkungan bisnis yang memaksa usaha kecil melakukan inovasi. Lingkungan bisnis sangat mendukung munculnya inovasi teknologi tepat guna didaerah mereka sendiri, dengan munculnya usaha matras, sehingga menjadi sebuah siklus aktivitas ekonomi bisnis yang kompetitif sekaligus susah ditiru oleh daerah lain.  Temuan yang kedua, di tiga wilayah penelitian, peran pemimpin dalam hal ini adalah pelaku usaha sangat dominan dalam berinovasi. Kapabilitas inovasi lebih berorientasi kepada akses pasar dan by order dan user driven innovation pattern. Kapabilitas produksi dan operasi berorientasi pada teknologi padat karya, membuat modifikasi alat sendiri dan mengandalkan produk murah. 


This study aimed to find an improvement model of marketing innovation capability and strengthening model of market access of small metal business centers in East Java. The research used descriptive qualitative method. The study found facilitation strategy of small metal business innovation from push theory (leadership, skill labor, cultural organization) and pull theory (the government's role in the facilitation of training, technology transfer, pilot projects, exhibition events and market access). Acceleration of innovation strategies were carried out by 1) networking that developed market access and marketing, 2) technology acquisition that strengthened technological capabilities and mastery of information and communication, 3) product innovation through marketing innovation and product differentiation. Other finding was that innovation culture was formed by business competitiveness in business environment that forced small businesses to innovate. The business environment was very supportive for the apperance of appropriate technology innovations in their own area by the presence of mattress businesses, so they became a cycle of competitive business and economic activitieswhich were also difficult to be copied by other regions. The second finding was that in the three research areas, the role of leaders in this respect was very dominant in pushing businesses actors to innovate. Innovationcapabilities were mostly oriented to market access and by-order and user-driven innovation patterns. Production and operation capabilities were oriented to labor intensity, self-modified tool making and relying on cheap products.


innovation capability, innovation acceleration, small metal business centers

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