Peran dan Kebijakan Pemerintah Melalui LKM/ LKMS untuk Menciptakan Kesejahteraan dan Keadilan Distributif

Lasmiatun Lasmiatun


The government has an important role to play in improving the welfare of communities within the framework of distributive justice. Financial institution is one of the institutions that play a role in national development in the economic sector. Institutions that call themselves financial institutions have in common the aspect that accompanies their existence. Provision of legal basis for the operations of Sharia and Conventional MFIs, Under Law No. 1 of 2013 article 3 on microfinance institutions aims to: a) Increase access to micro-finance for the community b) Assist in increasing economic empowerment and community productivity c) And the welfare of the people, especially the poor or low income. The government provides assistance for business development to LKM / LKMS, in the effort to overcome poverty and unemployment. As for the target of grant aid is to improve people’s welfare, job opportunity, entrepreneurship among community with LKM / LKMS.


government, policy, community, distributive justice, LKM/ LKMS, welfare

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