Hegemoni Pejudi Dalam Pilkada Di Indonesia

Agus Machfud Fauzi


The purpose of this research is to investigate the problem of election of regional head which is bewitched by gambling in Indonesia, by taking sampling in DKI Jakarta. Pilkada is an election in local local government scope to elect regional leaders. The principle of democracy is injured by the behavior of gamblers and voters by controlling some of the elections in gambling games. The phenomenon of gambling in Pilkada is seen since the first Pilkada implementation in 2005 and it is still ongoing until 2017. Gambling colored in the elections, usually the candidate desired by the owner of the capital won the contestation Pilkada because he got a place in the gamblers gambling, but only this time the implementation of elections in big cities won by candidates who do not want the owners of capital.


gambling, pilkada, kontestasi, conglomerate, democracy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/djs.v10i2.3756


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