Urban Gay (Studi Pemikiran Tentang Gay Urban Di Kota Surabaya)
Surabaya as an economic magnet, one barometer of the national economy, the main attraction for the urban, and of course homosexuals or Gay. Gay as a community of same-sex sexual orientation, making the city of Surabaya as a
space for them to compete, and to exist as a city of Surabaya promising and putting them on the space of free expression. Are like most urban cities, the problem is also present in urban Gay efforts to adapt and survive in the city, with a low social capital, Gay urban trying to compete with hundreds of other urban residents to earn a decent living. Patterns of adaptation and survival rely on makeshift capability is the most frequent efforts of poorer citizens. This article seeks to explain the circumstances that occurred in most cities associated with urban phenomenon in big cities like in Surbaya. With the approach of the literature study authors tried to see how the lives of the urban Gay major cities in other countries. This article was originally able to provide an overview, as well as explanations of the significance for the study of urban sociology, urban problems and perumasan associated with urbanization policies that have not been able to stem the movement of urban people to come and speculate them in the city.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/djs.v9i1.3742
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