Managing the Local TV in East Java Service Area, Indonesia: Focus on Strategic Triangle

Surokim As



Local TV in Indonesia faced complex problems and challenges. Broadcast manager has
to do professionally focusing on three strategic aspects. Those are institutional / business,
program / broadcast content, and technical / technology. In the aspect of business, local TV is
managed not only to reach the local market, but also regionally and internationally in order to
obtain more profits in the business. In the aspect of the program content, manager should
explore locally content combining to global and popular program. This glocalization program
can reach more viewer. In the technological aspects, the local TV manager must be familiar and
adopted the latest broadcast technology, including digital and convergence of new
technologies. Local TV can adapt and develop technologies for improving the quality of
broadcast reception and service.

Keywords: Local TV, Content Program, Institutional-Business, Technology, East Java




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Regulation Document

Indonesian Broadcasting Act

UU No. 32 Tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran

Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran KPI Tahun 2012 (indonesian broadcasting conduct)

Standar Program Siaran Tahun 2012 (standard of broadcasting program)


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