A Dating Style Student (Study of Symbolic Interaction Style Dating Students Graduate Program, University of Padjadjaran Bandung)

Sri Wahyuningsih



Everyone in a relationship with someone definitely has a unique style of going out on
their own. They interact with each other to know each other. This research took place in the
campus of the University of Padjadjaran, in order to determine how the student‟s style of
University Padjadjaran is dating or in a relationship each other with the approach of Symbolic
Interaction. Then bring out the constructs of observations and the results of in-depth interviews
with four informants as a student of S-2 program who again affair. 1) Construct romance style
with sub-constructs: romantic love, love possess, love good friends, love pragmatic, altruistic
love, and love messing around. 2) Construct Factors associated with love is as follows rewards,
gender differences and jealousy. 3) Construct Satisfaction and Commitment. 4) Construct
Ending Relationship.

Keywords: Love Style, Symbolic Interaction, Love, Commitment



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