Identity Maintainment And Communicational Barrier For Immigrant Tribe (A Study Case of Kampung Bogor Village in Kepahyang District, Bengkulu)

Alfarabi Alfarabi, Adiella Yangkie Lubis



How the identity is maintained by immigrant tribe within a local tribe territorial is the main
focus of this research. Cultural background differences in maintaining identity is one of the
causal factor in communicational barrier between immigrant tribe and local tribe at Kampung
Bogor village in KepahyangDistric, Bengkulu. Different perspective arises because of cultural
background differences is causing suspicion and jealousy in which hasn‟t appear yet but still
making it as a cause for latent conflict to arise in the form of perception and how they think. This
research is using qualitative descriptive approach with participatory observation method, indepth interview, and focus group discussion to collect the research data. Qualitative approach
will make the data of this research to be deeply recover without affecting the natural condition
on the field. The result of this research states that latent conflict that arise between two tribes is
connected to the tribe identity built by Bogor tribal residence. This identity gives a positive label
to the ingroup as to have consequence, a negative label to the outgroup. The main factor for
communicational barrier between tribes are language and bogornese perspective on how they
place their own kind to fulfill basic needs in life. As for the factor that makes communication do
happen between two tribes is bogornese kind and polite attitude that choose to avoid conflict
with other tribes by succumb to it. This kind and politeness label tend to make outsiders to build
relation with the bogornese and doing so with certain boundaries. Recommendation that is
given in this research suggest that either equality views in tribe differential and not negative
labeling other tribes are both needed.
Keywords: Identity, Latent Conflict, Communicational Barrier, Tribe



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