Perencanaan Produksi Proses Pembuatan Alat Musik Flute

Indri Hapsari, Azizah Al Habshe, Amelia Santoso


PT. X di Pasuruan merupakan perusahaan industri manufaktur yang memproduksi alat-alat musik seperti, piano, keyboard, gitar dan bass, drum, alat tiup seperti flute, pianika, dan lain-lain. Tingginya jam lembur membuat penelitian ini terfokus pada parts process department section body process khusus alat musik flute. Produk jadi flute terdiri dari 3 part yang berupa flute head, flute body, dan flute foot yang diproduksi di parts process department section body process khusus memproduksi flute head, flute body, dan flute foot. Fluktuatifnya permintaan konsumen membuat pihak manajemen kesulitan untuk meramalkan berapa jumlah flute head, flute body, dan flute foot yang harus diproduksi secara tepat. Apabila hasil peramalan yang kurang tepat tersebut mengakibatkan adanya ketidaksesuaian antara jumlah permintaan dengan kapasitas produksi flute head, flute body, dan flute foot di PT. X. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya perencanaan produksi usulan agar dapat memenuhi permintaan sesuai dengan kapasitas yang dimiliki PT. X dan meminimumkan total biaya yang dikeluarkan. Perencanaan produksi usulan yang dilakukan menggunakan metode mix integer linear programming dengan bantuan software Lingo 11.0. Total biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk perencanaan produksi metode perusahaan sebesar Rp35.766.639.589 sedangkan, metode usulan sebesar Rp35.687.132.806. Metode usulan dapat melakukan penghematan total biaya produksi sebesar 0,22% yaitu Rp79.506.783.

 Kata kunci:  Perencanaan produksi, Forecasting, Safety stock, Mix integer linear programming

 Production Planning of  Flute Musical Instrument Production Process

Abstract PT. X in Pasuruan is an industrial manufacturing company that produces musical instruments such as, piano, keyboard, guitar and bass, drums, flutes, pianica, etc. Highly overtimes is the reason why this research focuses on parts process department section body process specific to a flute. The flute consist of 3 parts which are flute head, flute body, and flute foot that produces on parts process department section body process. Fluctuatively consumer request had caused confusion for the management to accurately estimate the number of flute head, flute body, and flute foot to be produced. If the result of forecasting is not matching, therefore there is a difference in a number of orders and production capacity of flute head, flute body, and flute foot at PT. X Hence, there should be a production estimate plan to overcome the problem relating to the capacity at PT. YMPI at the same time minimizing costs. Mix integer linear programming method was used as a suggestion with the help of software Lingo 11.0. The total cost spent on the company method is Rp35.766.639.589, while the proposed method is Rp35.687.132.806. The proposal method of production and planning managed to cut the cost by 0,22% which is Rp79.506.783.

Keywords:  Production and planning control, Forecasting, Safety stock, Mix integer linear programming.


Perencanaan produksi, Forecasting, Safety stock, Mix integer linear programming


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