Aplikasi Pendukung Keputusan dalam Pembelian Rumah Berbasis Web
Along with population growth in housing needs as the basic human needs come up. There are many ways people do to needs. Among others by building their own, buy from others, or by buying on the housing developers. Prospective home buyers must have criteria that are important considerations in choosing a home. Many criteria are often followed by the availability of more than one house that can meet these criteria. Therefore, the autfzor makes a Decision Support system Web-based Housing purchase which will help the prospective home buyer, which meets the optimal criteria have been established. Decision Support System is a web-based made with the intention that users of these systems can be more extensive than if the system was created as a desktop ayplication. While the decision-making techniques used m this system is the AHP. AHP is one jorm of decision-making models suitable for multi-issue and multi-criteria alternatives with the main mput is the human perception.
Keywords : Decision Support System, Web,AHP
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