Loyalty is a measure of the success of a company in satisfying customers with the products or services they offer. Bank as a financial institution that takes everyone always competed to develop innovative new service products to entice consumers to make a

Mario Eka Darma Putra


Loyalty is a measure of the success of a company in satisfying customers with the products or services they offer. Bank as a financial institution that takes everyone always competed to develop innovative new service products to entice consumers to make a purchase. Consumer banks always want something practical and fast in the process of their business transactions, therefore the effectiveness of e-servqual to note the features of e-banking as one of the keys to making a consumer be loyal. In this article will discuss about how effective use of e-servqual towards the establishment of a consumer satisfaction and loyalty in the use of e-banking products.


e-servqual, loyality, e-banking, service


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/kompetensi.v10i2.3523


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Competence : Journal of Management Studies 
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