Upaya Pesantren Al-Qur'an Al-Mashduqie Dalam Membangun Karakter Dan Intelektual Para Santri

Ahmad Agus Ramdlany, Ahmad Musadad


Islamic boarding schools are original Indonesian educational institutions, from long before independence. This institution was created as a means to educate students to have good knowledge and practice of religion, as well as intellectual and social skills. The purpose of this article is to determine the efforts of the Al-Mashduqie Telang Kamal Bangkalan Al-Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in building the character and quality of education of its santri (pupils and university students). There are three efforts or programs implemented at this Islamic boarding school, namely: ecology-based education (through hydroponic planting, biofloc catfish farming), character education (through congregational prayers, reciting the yellow book, reading certain letters after congregational prayers and so on. ), and full day school (at formal elementary and middle school levels). The urgency and results achieved from these three activity programs are strengthening faith and devotion, instilling the values of leadership and independence, teaching tolerance and social awareness, integrating religious education with general education, developing critical thinking skills and creativity. This can be seen qualitatively from the morals and competence of graduates and students who board at this Islamic boarding school.

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