Pondok Pesantren Sebagai Pionir Dalam Empowerment Ekonomi Pesantren

Ainun Najib


Islamic boarding schools are institutions in society that provide Islamic religious teachings and contribute to answering social problems, especially the economy. Islamic boarding schools have the function of empowering the community (agent of development), thereby encouraging the role of Islamic boarding schools in preparing good human resources through students and the surrounding community and exploiting the potential they have in economic development. Thus, in realizing the function of Islamic boarding schools, of course you have to carry out various innovations through the potential of Islamic boarding schools in empowering the Islamic boarding school economy. This research aims to examine how big the potential of Islamic boarding schools is to contribute to the economy through Islamic boarding school economics to society and the country. The research method used is through reading materials or literature reviews by collecting and taking the results of research in journals and books that have been carried out as well as analyzing and making a summary and describing it in detail. The research results show that the potential of Islamic boarding schools in empowering the Islamic boarding school economy through Islamic boarding school resources can have a big impact and/or influence in answering the economic problems of society and the country. Things that support the realization of empowerment such as; the existence of religious doctrine, the role of Islamic boarding school students in empowerment, strengthening the Islamic boarding school-based community economy, so as a concrete and applicable step in implementing economic empowerment, 3 main things must be taken into account, namely production potential, distribution potential, and consumption potential.


Economy; Empowerment; Pesantren.

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