Analisa Kualitas Produk Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Variable Interventing Pada Konsumen Sepeda Motor Honda

Nur Aida, Erlin Iriani


This research aimed to determine the effect of product quality to loyality with customer satisfaction as interventing variable. The population is someone who have Honda motor cycle because it used purpose sampling and the amount of sample s are  60. Data were collected by spreading questionare. The data of the questioner's dissemination tested the validity, reliability and the result is valid and reliable. Result of hypothesis test that Product quality has direct and significant effect to customer satisfaction, product quality and customer satisfaction have direct and significant effect to loyality and there’s significant influence of product quality to loyality trought customer satisfaction as interventing variable, in accordance with Sobel test where the value of t arithmetic versus t table of concluded that the coefficient of mediation significant.


Product Quality, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction


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