Analisa Efektifitas Iklan Televisi Partai Perindo Model Epic (Iklan Dengan Aktor Utama Ketua Umum Partai Perindo)
The aim of this research is for knowing the effectiveness of partai Perindo advertisement by using television media on MNC Group (RCTI, MNCTV, INews and Global TV),with Hary Tanoesoedibyo as an actor and the analyze used EPIC (Empathy, persuasion, impact and communication) model and this research is descriptive research and the population is come from the student of STIE Gempol Pasuruan and it used simple random sampling, and by using Slovin formulation it is gotten the amount of sample is 78. The data collected by giving questioner to the respondent and by using EPIC rate it is showed that empathy rate has 3,32, persuasion rate has 2,79, impact rate has 3,065 and communication rate has 3,28 and all of this value have effectively enough categorized so it must be evaluated and make advertisement strategy as well because it is still not enough for making people to vote this partai. Evaluation should be done as fast as they can because 2018 and 2019 are political year.
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