Design of Tools And Experimental Study of Filtration Systems

dicky wahyudi


On this research, the tool design and analysis of the head loss phenomenon in the filtration system experiment was done to determine the effect of head loss caused by variations in silica sand and silica sand composition. This design was to determine the performance of the head loss experimental device on the filtration system. In this design, most use sand as one of the main filter media, with 3 variations of Very Fine sand 0.05-0.1mm, Medium 0.1-0.25mm, Coarse 0.5-1.0mm, and 3 various compositions PS 50% KA 50%, PS 70% 30%, PS 80% 20%.  In designing the head loss test channel using a variation of filtration to know value of head loss in the filtration system, a digital water meter to measure the water discharge is used to measure the pressure at the inlet and pressure at the outlet.  This tool is also designed in a modular way, where in the experiment variation and without filtration can be used interchangeably. Experiments carried out using filtration produced an average theoretical value on the composition of PS 50% KA 50% sand with a variation of Very Fine silica sand 0.05 – 0.1 mm smaller than the composition of PS 70% KA 30% and PS 80 % KA 20% with a variation of Very Fine silica sand 0.05 – 0.1 mm and a variation of Very Coarse silica sand 0.5 – 1.0 mm. Meanwhile, the higher head loss value shows the composition of PS 50% KA 50% with variations of Very Coarse Silica Sand 0.5 – 1.0 mm.


Head loss; Filtration; Factorial; Silica Sand

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