Effect of Tilt Angle on Archimedes Screw Pump Driven by Savonius Helical Windmill on Water Debit

teguh prasetyo, mahrus khoirul umami, Nurinda Wahyu Krisnawati


One of the most abundant sources of renewable energy is wind energy. Indonesia has potential for low-speed wind because it is dominated by low-lying areas. Wind turbines consist of two types, namely horizontal turbines and vertical turbines which have differences in the turbine shaft. Based on the description above, one of the solutions that can be proposed is the design of a windmill with a more practical and lightweight transmission system so that the wheel is able to produce the expected final rotation even though the wind speed that hits it is relatively low, as well as the construction of a pump that can work in low rotation. The results showed that the fastest time to fill 1000 ml of water was at an angle of 48º. Changes in the amount of angle are directly proportional to the shaft rotation speed. The highest pumping discharge is at the 48º pump tilt angle variation. The greater the rotation of the shaft, the greater the discharge value produced up to the 48º angle variation. However, for pump inclination angles of 41º and 54º there is a decrease in discharge value which is influenced by the more upright slope of the pump. This causes the potential force on the water to also be greater, so that the gap area traversed by water is getting bigger. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the tilt angle of the Archimedes screw pump driven by the avonius helical windmill on water debit.

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