Ettawa Crossbred (EC) goat farming in Purworejo regency dated back to the era of Dutch colonial
government. The Ministry of Farming was decided that EC as Purworejo’s local crossbred. But the
farmers judge that EC not to be Purworejo’s icon. The farmers was judged that government not serious
made EC as Purworejo’s icon. The aim of this research was to know how the government communication
system produce and reproduce information to solve EC as Purworejo’s icon. The theory used in this
research is communication system in the perspective of Niklas Luhmann. The research method used was
explorative case study. Population of this study was conducted in Purworejo regency as the center of
EC goat farming. The result of the study shows that government communication system was produced
information in encountering the environmental complexity of EC as Purworejo’s icon. The information
about statue of EC as signifier. Government communication system wasn’t produced the icons like EC
products and gifts. The farmers was judged that government not serious to solved EC as Purworejo’
icon. The farmers through farmers group was produced icons like EC’s signifier and EC’s products (milk
powder, caramel, yoghurt, and crackers).
Keywords: government communication system, complexity, icon.
Full Text:
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)References
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