The purposes of this study include : (1) To know the communication network on the Babul Akhirat
community in the economic, social, and cultural adaptation; (2) To identify individual roles in the
communication network of the Babul Akhirat community in the economic, social, and cultural
adaptation; and (3) To describe the communication network centrality of the Babul Akhirat community
in the economic, social, and cultural adaptation. This study constitutes a descriptive research with
the quantitative approach. The study design of communication network is a complete network and
the focus of this study was at the system level. In this study, the researcher referred to the nominalist
approach by viewing the study population. The actor determination in this study was based on the
positional strategy, namely the Babul Akhirat Community in Batam City where the actors becoming
samples of the population were members of the Babul Akhirat community. Sampling used in this study
was the samples of small groups, that were all members of the Babul Akhirat community, amounted to
82 members. This study used the analysis technique of sociometric data and the communication network
structures by using by using UCINET VI. The results of this study showed: (1) The social and economic
communication network took possession of the interlocking network structure; (2) The individual roles
in the communication network of the Babul Akhirat community in the economic, social, and cultural
adaptation encompassed opinion leader, cosmopolite, and bridge; and (3) The actors representing the
highest local centrality value for the communication network of economic adaptation were node 15, 22,
30, and 59, while values of the communication network for the social adaptation were node 22 and 31,
and values of the network communication for the cultural adaptation were node 30, 47, and 45. On the
other result, actors representing the lowest global centrality value for each communication network of
economic adaptation, social adaptation, and cultural adaptation were node 23, node 5, and node 13.
Keywords: Communication Network Structure, Actor, Babul Akhirat Community
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