This study intends to reveal the facts of the application of the concept of IMC
was done by radio Segara Bangkalan.Study used the concept theory of IMC
was applied of direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, personal
selling, advertising, and media interaction, marketing which relatively
applied to the public audience of Segara radio.
This of study used a qualitative descriptive method which intends to find
out the phenomenon of concerns about the research subject. In holistic and
descriptive manner in the form of words and language, the data collection
methods in this used study documentation, techniques, observation and
directly interviews to the field.
The application of IMC was good to increase the number of radio audience in
Segara, from the six concepts of IMC, advertising, public relations, personal
selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, and interactive ware marketing,
applied directly by radio to the public, so that produce good results against
the Segara radio.
Keywords: IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication), Media Radio,
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