Analisis Strategi Promosi, Produk, Dan Pelibatan Mata Uang Asing Terhadap Minat Nasabah Pada Tabungan IB Hijrah Valas Di Bank Muamalat Capem Batu

Sri Rizqi Amiliyah, Dzikrulloh Dzikrulloh


The first Islamic bank in Indonesia is Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Muamalat once again demonstrated its superiority in terms of customer loyalty. For three years in a row this bank has always been at the forefront of SLE survey. Bank Muamalat emerged as the best Islamic bank in terms of services and maintain customer loyalty in the Islamic commercial bank (BUS) group. This is evidenced by its success back in the rankings first in the “Satisfaction, Loyality, and Engagement (SLE) 2021” survey. The type of research used is quantitative research. Aim This research is to find out whether promotion, product, eye foreign currency affects customer interest in saving at bank muamalat batu, to find out promotions affect customer interest in saving at the bank muamalat batu, to find out whether the product affects customer interest saving in the bank muamalat batu, and to find out if the eye is involved foreign money affects customer interest in saving at bank muamalat batu and how to buy and sell foreign exchange in a sharia perspective. Method of collecting data conducted through interviews with staff employees at bank muamalat stone and collect data on the development of customer interest in the Bank Muamalat Capem Batu with a questionnaire in Google Form . The results of this study indicate that Test Ftest shows promotions, products and foreign currency engagements online simultaneous effect on customer interest in saving at Bank Muamalat Batu. T-test shows that the product has an effect on customer interest in saving, while the promotion and involvement of foreign currency has no significant effect partial to customer interest in saving at Bank Muamalat Batu. Then Test The coefficient of determination shows the proportion can be explained on the variable by 52% the remaining 48% is influenced by other variables outside this model.


Keywords: Promotion, Product, Involvement of Foreign Currency, Saving Interest

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