Abstract As a developing country, the poverty rate in Indonesia is still quite high. So it is necessary to make efforts to improve the welfare of the community. One of them is by optimizing the management of zakat, because the growth of ZIS funds always increases every year. As done by LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Gresik, which distributes productive zakat funds through the Prosperous Village Livestock empowerment program which has the aim of increasing the income and welfare of mustahiq. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of community economic empowerment through the Prosperous Village Livestock Program of LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Gresik. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques in this study used interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The results of the study indicate that the Prosperous Village Livestock program is running effectively. The five effectiveness indicators show that the Prosperous Village Livestock program is running according to the objectives set by LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Gresik. The indicators for achieving the goals show that the income of farmers has increased and has additional productive assets, increased welfare, and the development of independence within the breeders, but economic empowerment through this goat farming program has not been able to make mustahiq into muzakki.
Keywords: Effectiveness; Empowerment; Prosperous Village Livestock
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