Perbandingan Kepadatan Bakteri Vibrio spp. pada Budidaya Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) di Lokasi Berbeda

Muhammad Aris, Gamal M Samadan, Masrida Ode Ane



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan estimasi kepadatan koloni bakteri Vibrio spp. pada bulan September - Januari 2023 di tambak Balai Budidaya Laut dan Payau (BBLP) Desa Porniti (Lokasi 1) dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Desa Tuada (Lokasi 2) Kabupaten Halmahera Barat. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode survei dan sampling langsung pada kedua tambak. Pengukuran kualitas air dilakukan secara insitu terhadap suhu, salinitas, DO,suhu, dan pH. Isolasi dan kepadatan bakteri dihitung pada organ hepatopancreas udang dan media air. Kepadatan bakteri Vibrio dianalisis menggunakan uji t sedangkan data lainnya dianalisa secara deskriptif dan ditampilkan dalam tabel dan grafik. Hasi analisis menunjukan bahwa kepadatan bakteri Vibrio spp pada lokasi 1 mencapai rata-rata 3,0x102 CFU/g dan media air mencapai rata-rata 1,2x103 CFU/mL sedangkan pada lokasi 2 mencapai rata-rata 4,2x102 CFU/g dan media air mencapai hingga 1,6x103 CFU/mL. Kedua lokasi ditemukan bakteri Vibrio spp. Pada organ hepatopancreas dan media air. Kepadatan bakteri tertinggi diperoleh di lokasi kedua.

Kata kunci:  Tambak, vaname, Vibrio, Densitas, Hepatopankreas


This study aims to isolate and estimate the colony density of Vibrio spp. bacteria in September - January 2023 in the ponds of the Marine and Brackish Aquaculture Center (BBLP) Porniti Village (Location 1) and the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Marine and Fisheries Service Tuada Village (Location 2) West Halmahera Regency. Sampling was conducted using survey and direct sampling methods in both ponds. Water quality measurements were carried out in situ on temperature, salinity, DO, temperature, and pH. Isolation and density of bacteria were calculated in the shrimp hepatopancreas organ and water media. Vibrio bacteria density was analyzed using t test while other data were analyzed descriptively and displayed in tables and graphs. The analysis showed that the density of Vibrio spp bacteria at location 1 reached an average of 3.0x102 CFU/g and water media reached an average of 1.2x103 CFU/mL while at location 2 reached an average of 4.2x102 CFU/g and water media reached up to 1.6x103 CFU/mL. Both locations found Vibrio spp. bacteria in the hepatopancreas organ and water media. The highest bacterial density was obtained in the second location.

Keywords: Pond, vaname, Vibrio, Density, Hepatopancreas


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