Hegemoni Kekuasaan dalam Novel "Rasina" Karya Iksaka Bantu (Kajian Sosiologi Sastra)

Reza anggi novita erfanta, Ira Fatmawati


This research, entitled Hegemony of Power in the Novel "Rasina" by Iksaka Banu, Article history:aims to describe how hegemony of power is depicted in the novel Rasina by Iksaka Received:Banu. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data source in this Revised:research is the novel Rasina by Iksaka Banu. This research focuses on the Accepted:problem of hegemony of power using Gramsci's hegemony. Data was obtained using reading techniques and note-taking techniques. Data were analyzed through the identification, classification and interpretation stages. Test the validity of the data using persistent or consistent observations and detailed descriptions. The research results obtained are the hegemony of power between civil society and Keywords:political society. Civil society power is an area of agreement by hegemonic officials Stereotypes;regarding the territory they control, while political power is a society in the world of Movies;violence carried out by hegemonic officials. The figures who exercised civil society Women.hegemony were Joost, Mr. Staalhart, De Vries, Lieutenant Van Waert, and Governor Coen. They do this to fill civil society by bribing people to give them rewards, or positions and authority that they have that are higher than those of the hegemony.


Hegemony, Power, Novel Rasina


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/jell.v2i1.26442


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