Memori dan Trauma Tokoh dalam Novel "May" Karya Sandi Firly: Kajian Psikologi Sastra

Lailatul Mukhayanah, Arief Setyawan


This research examines the memories and trauma of characters in the novel May by Sandi Firly. The aim of this research is to describe the forms of memory and trauma experienced by the characters in the novel May by Sandi Firly. This research focuses on forms of memory and character trauma using Maurice Halbwachs' memory theory and Cathy Caruth's trauma theory. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data collection techniques used were library techniques, reading and note-taking. The results of the research show that there are forms of memory and trauma in the characters in the novel May by Sandi Firly, namely the forms of memory that the characters in the novel May have are collective memory and individual memory. This form of collective memory is shared by the entire community, namely May, Pak Gun, Pak Tua, Pemuda Berdasi, Perempuan Dewasa, and Lelaki Berjenggot. In the form of individual memories, all characters have them, namely May, Kin, Pak Gun, Pak Tua, Pemuda Berdasi, Perempuan Dewasa, dan Lelaki Berjenggot. The forms of trauma experienced by characters in May's novels are flashbacks and nightmares. A form of flashback is experienced by Kin, Pak Gun, Pak Tua, and Pemuda Berdasi. Meanwhile, May and Kin have nightmares. In terms of character trauma, there are characters who do not experience trauma, namely Lelaki Berjenggot and Perempuan Dewasa.


novel, memory, trauma, characters, literary psychology.


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