Eksistensi Tokoh Perempuan pada Antologi Cerpen Paraban Tuah Karya Elok Teja Suminar (Kajian Feminisme Eksistensialis)

Yenny Setianingsih, Wahid Khoirul Ikhwan


This study describes the existence of female characters in the short story anthology Paraban Tuah by Elok Teja Suminar using the theory of existentialist feminism from Simone De Beauvoir, including her condition and existence. The problem under study is: how is the existence of female characters in the short story anthology Paraban Tuah by Elok Teja Suminar based on Simone De Beauvoir's existentialist feminism? The purpose of this research is to describe the form of existence of female characters in the anthology of short stories Paraban Tuah by Elok Teja Suminar based on existentialist feminism. This research approach uses a qualitative descriptive method. The research subjects were people who were informants in the study, including the researcher herself and the female Madurese character in the short story anthology Paraban Tuah. The collection technique is using library techniques, reading techniques, and note-taking techniques. The research instrument lies with the researcher himself using note-taking techniques in the form of a data corpus. The results of research on the existence of female characters in the short story anthology Paraban Tuah by Elok Teja Suminar obtained 88 data from 11 short stories, including the existence of female characters in subject-object relations, in the realm of marriage as (child, wife, and mother), the existence of female characters which involves her body as a power of perception and as an obstacle, as well as a form of transcendence of female characters, namely work and intellectuality.


Existence; Female Figures; Existentialist Feminism

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/jell.v1i2.21462


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