Hierarki Kebutuhan Bertingkat pada Tokoh Utama dalam Rumah Ilalang Karya Stebby Julionathan

Nurul Latifah, Wahid Khoirul Ikhwan


This study describes the level of human needs contained in the main character in the novel Rumah Ilalang by Stebby Julionathan using Abraham Maslow's humanistic theory. The problem under study is: how is the form of the multilevel needs of the main character in the novel "Rumah Weeds" by Stebby Julionatan based on Abraham Maslow's Humanistic Theory. The purpose of this research is to describe the hierarchy of needs of the main character in Stebby Julionatan's novel Rumah Ilalang based on Abraham Maslow's Humanistic theory. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative approach is used to describe systematically, coherently, and accurately the facts clearly and thoroughly. The object of this research is the novel Rumah Weeds by Stebby Julionatan based on Abraham Maslow's Humanistic theory. Data collection techniques in this study were library techniques, reading techniques, and note-taking techniques. From Maslow's five Humanistic theories, the results obtained consist of the need for food, drink, a place to rest and sex on physiological needs, there is a need for work and a steady salary and the need for religious practice and belief in the need for security, there is a need for love from colleagues, lovers and family on the needs of love and a sense of belonging, there is the need to respect others and respect yourself on the needs of self-esteem and decision-making on the needs of self-actualization.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/jell.v1i1.19385


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