Michael Jokowi Wibowo, S Anwar, Refa Firgianto, Dwi Putro S Setyohadi4, H Y Riskiawan


Pollution and deterioration in environmental quality are influenced by many factors, one of which is the existence of industrialization in various sectors of the economy. Industrial pollution is an industrial activity that causes a decrease in environmental quality because of the pollution of substances produced into an environment. Any waste should not be a problem if managed properly, but if there is limited funds in a company and lack of concern for industrial entrepreneurs, then the waste is not managed. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the construction of B3 waste treatment plants on environmental quality. This research was carried out in the Village of Lakardowo, Jetis District, Mojokerto Regency. Data collection was carried out for 2 months from October to November 2018. Variable analysis of the impact of sewage treatment plants on environmental quality included water and soil analysis carried out at the Jember Polytechnic BioSains Laboratory and odor around the waste treatment plant with survey methods to the surrounding community.

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