Public Service Quality in Sultan Babullah Airport Ternate (Case Study of Passenger Service)

E R Ahadian, M Rizal, M R A Han


This research was conducted at Sultan Babullah Airport in Ternate. Primary data was collected by interviewing airport passengers and visitors and direct observation (filling out questionnaires), while secondary data was obtained from reports, articles and service operational standards. Data were tested using validity and reliability tests and analyzed using the mean analysis method (looking for average values). The results of data analysis show that the quality of public services at Sultan Babullah Ternate Airport is quite maximal, there are only a few service facilities that are problematic, where negative ratings from passengers are more dominant than the positive rating. Positive ratings are "Appearance of airport officers" (mean 3.90), "Cleanliness, room neatness" (mean 3.88), "Airport security" (mean 3.66). Negative assessments in the form of "Reliability of waiting room facilities (including toilets)", "Availability of seats in the pickup room", and "Ease of reaching the airport". For a negative (invalid) assessment there is no mean because invalid data is not included in reliable calculations and mean analysis. If  viewed in  groups, the  highest level of  service quality includes "Tangibility" (mean 3.70), "Assurance" (mean 3.60), "Responsiveness" (mean 3.55), "Reliability" (mean 3.38) and "Empathy" (mean 3.03).

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